College Road, Upholland, Lancashire , WN8 0PY

General Information

Welcome to our general information page! Below is some helpful information such as term dates and a timetable of an average school day.

The School Day

8:45am: School opens

9:00am - 9:10am: Registration and prayers

9:10am - 10:25am (KS1): Lessons/Activities

9:10am - 10:45am (KS2): Lessons/Activities

10:30am - 10:45am (KS1): Playtime

10:45am - 11am (KS2): Playtime

10:45am - 12pm (KS1): Lessons/Activities

11am - 12:15pm (KS2): Lessons/Activities

12.00pm - 1:00pm (KS1): Lunch

12:15 - 1:15pm (KS2): Lunch

1:15pm - 3:25pm - Lessons/Activities




  • In law you must ask for permission for your child to miss school.
  • Parents can request a term time absence for a family holiday which may not be granted at the Headteacher's discretion.
  • Parents who take a child of compulsory school age on holiday without permission from school may be issued with a penalty notice.

Milk and Fruit

Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One have access to a milk for school scheme and the Government fruit scheme. 


Key Stage Two Boys: white shirt and tie, navy knitted jumper, grey trousers or shorts.

EYFS & Key Stage One Boys: white polo shirt, navy knitted jumper, grey trousers or shorts.

Key Stage Two Girls: white blouse and tie, navy hinted jumper or cardigan, tartan skirt or pinafore, or grey skirt and trousers.

EYFS and Key Stage One Girls: white polo shirt, navy knitted jumper or cardigan, tartan skirt or pinafore or grey skirt and trousers.

A blue and white check dress is optional for the summer term.

P.E Kit: white St. Teresa's PE top, navy shorts, black plimsolls. In Key Stage Two a Games Kit is required.  This includes a school navy blue and grey tracksuit and a pair of trainers.


All uniform can be purchased from Impressions in Standish and AC Sports in Pemberton.

Please ensure all uniform is named.


Attending school every day will help give your child the best possible start in life.

Going to school every day means:

  • Making friends
  • Having lots of fun
  • Building lasting relationships
  • Time to play
  • Taking part in exciting activities

You can help your could by encouraging regular school attendance.

Your child's education is very important: attendance habits established in the foundation years of education can affect their entire school life.

  • If your child is too ill to attend school or is absent for any other reason, please contact the school on the first day of absence by 9:30am
  • If you are in any doubt as to send your child to school please contact school as soon as possible for advice.

What happens if a child does not attend school regularly?

By law, all children of a compulsory school age (between 5 and 16) must get a suitable full time education. As a parent you are responsible for making sure this happens and if you fail to do so, legal action my be taken by the authority.